The ATDL has set up various working groups, including:

New in 2017: A GT-Building open to all (including non-members) with working meetings on the 1st Thursday of the month. Please contact info(at) if you are interested.

A GT-Industry started on the same model in July 2019

the GT-Web, which made it possible to renovate this site in 2014,

a GT-Insurance which made it possible to advance the issue of legal coverage of Designated Workers (more active),

a GT-Formations which reflects on basic training.

Exchanges with the ITM

Constructive exchanges take place with the Labour and Mines Inspectorate at periodic meetings.

Advisory Committee

A representative of the ATDL is also a member of the Advisory Committee on the Training of Designated Workers.

DACHL Conferences

Finally, the ATDL participates in events bringing together German-speaking prevention workers (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg), called DACHL (Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich, Luxemburg). Presentations are available on the members’ area.