About ATDL+

Discover our journey and our values.

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Bientôt 20 ans

In early 2004, a group of “Designated Workers” exchanged information regarding their approach to their mission and how to organize within the company. From this reflection was born the Association of Designated Workers Luxembourg (ATDL).

The ATDL has the legal status of a non-profit association (ASBL). All activities are carried out by volunteers whose objective is non-commercial.

One of the priorities is to share each other’s experiences and offer help to members who wish to receive it.

In addition, the ATDL collaborates with the main national authorities and organizations that deal with the safety and health of workers. The ATDL is the unique and recognized interlocutor as an association of “Designated Workers” by the authorities of the country.

It was among the first to adhere to the Vision Zero charter.

Since its creation, the ATDL has been proposing modifications to competent authorities regarding the function of the “Designated Worker” within the framework of drafting future Luxembourgish laws and regulations concerning our function and Workplace Safety and Health in a general sense.

When a file (training, experience…) needs to be presented to the competent authority for approval of the appointment of a Designated Worker, the association defends the “Designated Workers” within the “Consultative Committee” for the proposals validation of the “Designated Workers”.

In the same context, the ATDL also participates in the proposal of training programs for “Designated Workers” and for continuous training, as prescribed by the Grand-Ducal regulation.

Close links also exist with other national and international associations that have similar interests.

Through its different contacts and the contribution of its active members, the ATDL also provides legal and technological support on occupational safety and health aspects.

Through this website, a LinkedIn discussion group, regular meetings, conferences, company visits, newsletters… The ATDL provides an exchange of information and ideas, in order to professionalize our mission and protect the person in their role as “Designated Worker”.

Finally, the Association wants to promote and enhance the role of the Designated Worker within their company and in relation to external stakeholders.

Together, we are stronger and less isolated, within our companies and facing supervisory bodies.

Our Board of Directors"

Laurent SUBY

TD depuis 2004, j’ai de l’expérience dans le domaine de l’industrie et du BTP. P Je suis membre du bureau de l’ATDL et, depuis mars 2013, Président de l’association. Formation: BTS de Chimie. Sujets d’intérêt: sécurité machines, risques psychosociaux, risque chimique, incendie, risques liés aux métiers du bâtiment.

Raphael ROTA

Vice Président
15 ans d’expérience en industrie et bâtiment. Travailleur Désigné groupe C4 depuis 2010. Formation : Master Sécurité, Qualité, Hygiène et Environnements Industriels (Université de Reims). Fondateur de la société 2R MANAGEMENT LUXEMBOURG Sàrl et Consultant QSE , j’accompagne les entreprises sur les sujets Qualité, Sécurité et Santé au Travail, et Environnement (mise en place de systèmes de management suivant ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001), y compris les aspects formation, audit interne (Responsable d’audit ICA QSE intégré) et externalisation de la fonction QSE. Langues parlées : français, anglais.

Christophe KRAPP

Depuis mars 2014, je suis membre du bureau de l’ATDL et Trésorier à partir de 2019. Formation: Sujets d’intérêt: Sécurité, Santé, Formation Langues: Français


Plus de 20 ans d’expérience en SST dans l’industrie chimique et en bureaux d’études. Dizaine d’années en laboratoire d’analyses environnementales et dans le conseil en environnement. Dirigeant de la société EHS 3 Frontières. Expert assermenté au Luxembourg en matière de Sécurité et Santé au Travail et d’Environnement. Intervenant en Prévention des risques Professionnels (IPRP) en France. Formation: Magister d’Hygiéniste du Travail et de l’Environnement, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Paris) après un BTS Biochimiste. Langues : français, allemand, anglais, luxembourgeois